This week, we continue our journey with our theme "Nevertheless: Stepping into the Deep," inspired by Luke 5:4-7. Our sermon focused on Mark 4:35-41, where Jesus calms the storm, offering profound lessons that resonate with our theme and the spirit of the Hues Corporation classic "Rock the Boat." While the song isn't exactly about faith, its metaphor of "rocking the boat" can prompt us to reflect on how we handle life's ups and downs. Do we panic like the disciples, in deeper waters or do we trust in the One who can calm any storm?
Just as Jesus invited the disciples to cross to the other side of the lake, He calls us to step out of our comfort zones and into deeper waters of faith. The sudden storm that arose reminds us that life's journey often brings unexpected challenges. The disciples' fear mirrors our own when faced with life's turbulent waters.
But here's where our theme truly shines: Nevertheless, we are called to trust. Jesus, asleep in the boat, demonstrated perfect peace amidst chaos. When awakened, He calmed the storm with mere words, revealing His divine authority over nature and our lives.
This story challenges us to examine our faith:
Do we trust God when our boat is rocking?
Can we find peace in His presence during our storms?
Are we willing to step into deeper waters of faith and service?
Like the song suggests, sometimes we need to "rock the boat" of our comfortable faith, challenging ourselves to grow. Our goal isn't to "tip the boat over" - it's to find stability in Christ amidst life's instabilities.
As we navigate this week, let's remember:
God is with us in every storm
Our faith grows when tested
Peace comes from trusting Jesus, not our circumstances
Let's step into the deep together, trusting that even if our boat rocks, we have the one who commands the wind and waves by our side.
In Faith and Liberation,
The Reverend Terrance L. Thomas, (he/his/him)